
The Yoga Sutras were written by the sage Patanjali in the 2nd or 3rd century B.C.E. (about 5,000 years ago).  They are considered the original textbook of yoga.  Patanjali's Sutras (sutras = threadscomprise four books (or 'padas' - feet)  containing 196 aphorisms.  The series present the first comprehensive guide for self-transformation through yoga practice.  

Compilation to date:  (click on links below)

Sutra 1,1    atha yoganusasanam
Sutra 1,2    yoga citta vrtti nirodhah
Sutra 1,3    tada drashtuh svarupe avasthanam
Sutra 1,4    vritti sarupyam itaratra
Sutra 1,5    vrttaya pancatayyah klista aklistah
Sutra 1,6    pramana viparyaya vikalpa nidra smrtayah

Sutra 2,47  santosha anuttamah sukha labha

Sutra 2,9    svarasvahi vidusah api tatha arudhah abhinivesha