see previous sutras 1,1-4 (here)
1,5 vrttaya pancatayyah klista aklistah
The vacillations of the mind are of five types, which may be either painful or not painful.
vrttaya (plural of vrtti) waves, vacillation, turning, twisitng (vrt = to whirl/rotate)
Pancatayyah - five types,
The vacillations of the mind are of five types, which may be either painful or not painful.
vrttaya (plural of vrtti) waves, vacillation, turning, twisitng (vrt = to whirl/rotate)
Pancatayyah - five types,
klista problematic, difficult, painful (klis = to trouble/bother)
akishtah not troubling, non obstructing, not painful
1,6 pramana viparyaya vikalpa nidra smrtayah
The five vacillations are correct perception, misconception, imagination, deep sleep, and memory.pramana - correct knowledge, accurate understanding
viparyaya - incorrect knowledge, misunderstanding
vikalpa - imagination, conceptualization
nidra - sleep without content, "deep sleep."
smrtaya - memory (plural memories - as in includes all five vrtteh)
Patanjali introduces the idea of the five kinds of thought "waves," or vacillations. He also posits the idea that they are either painful (imbued - klista) or not painful (clear - aklista). This difference in the kinds of thoughts suggests the purpose of yoga in which we gradually and systematically shed the false identies that cloud the true Self. We are constantly entangled with many levels and layers of thought. These entanglements can be defined by one of the five types of thought, whether one, or some combination of the five. These thought patterns are not just the day to day thoughts we experience, but may be the subtle cues embedded deep in our consciousness. The meaning becomes gradually clearer with practice of the yoga. Positioning the five kinds of thoughts on the fingers is a good way to remember them.
Dandy Warhols - "Sleep"
Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
The Essential Yoga Sutra: Ancient Wisdom for Your Yoga
(Roach, McNally)
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