Today's practice is a focus on Pratyahara - the fifth stage of Pantajali's "eight-limbed" system of yoga, or Astanga Yoga.
Pratyahara (प्रत्याहार) is derived from two Sanskrit words: prati, meaning "away" or "against" and ahara meaning "food," or anything we might "ingest" into ourselves. Thus, Pratyahara literally means to withdraw from anything that might excite the senses.
In yoga, Pratyahara is a focused effort to withdraw sensory perception from external objects. It is a stepping stone toward the final three stages of Patanjali's eight-limbed practice, namely; Dharana (concentraion), Dhynana (meditation) and Samadhi (complete absorption).
Pratyahara is often approached through focus on the breath.
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Wikipedia: Pratyahara
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Pratyahara (प्रत्याहार) is derived from two Sanskrit words: prati, meaning "away" or "against" and ahara meaning "food," or anything we might "ingest" into ourselves. Thus, Pratyahara literally means to withdraw from anything that might excite the senses.
In yoga, Pratyahara is a focused effort to withdraw sensory perception from external objects. It is a stepping stone toward the final three stages of Patanjali's eight-limbed practice, namely; Dharana (concentraion), Dhynana (meditation) and Samadhi (complete absorption).
Pratyahara is often approached through focus on the breath.
Iky Que - "Last Breath" - mp3 download
Wikipedia: Pratyahara
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